LinITX Ubiquiti UISP Broadband Wireless Admin - UBWA Training Course
LinITX UBWA-demand
Quantity | 1+ | 10+ | 20+ | 50+ | 100+ | 250+ |
Price | £395.00 EXC VAT | £391.05 EXC VAT | £387.10 EXC VAT | £381.18 EXC VAT | £375.25 EXC VAT | Call Us 01449 888000 |

UISP Broadband Wireless Admin (UBWA) Training Course
Course Outline:
RF Theory
- Frequency vs. Propagation
- Unlicensed Bands
- OFDM Spectral Masks
- Licensed Frequencies
- Decibels in RF Systems
- Free Space Path Loss
- Line of Sight & Fresnel Zones
- Link Power Budgets
- Fade Margin
Radio Operation
- Standard RF Circuit
- Carrier Signals
- Radio Sensitivity
- Radio Selectivity
- Signal, Noise & Interference
- Chains, Data Rates & MIMO
- Thermal Noise
- Channel Flexing
- airPrism Technology
- Modulation, EVM & Data Rates
Antenna Theory
- What is Gain?
- Isotropic Radiators
- Antenna Function
- Gain, Efficiency & VSWR
- Gain, Surface Area & Directivity
- Polar Plots
- MIMO, Polarization & XPD
- Types of Antennas
- Antenna Alignment
- Downtilt, Lobes & Nulls
Ubiquiti Service Providers
- TDMA & airMAX Protocol
- 802.11, CSMA/CA & Indoor
- Problem of Hidden Node
- airMAX-AC, airOS-6 & -8
- Traffic Shaping & Burst
- Scalability vs. Performance
- Security & VLANs
- airFiber Technology & Protocols
- airOS Tools & Redudancy
- Bridged vs. Routed ISP
The Trainer
The UBWA training course is being delivered by Jono Thompson. Jono has 21 years of experience working on routing, switching and wireless in enterprise networks.
1st Day: 09:00 - 17:00
Last Day: 09:00 - 16:00
15 minute Breaks: 10:30 and 15:00
30 min Lunch: 12:30
At the end of the last day there is an optional exam which runs for 1 hour.
What is included?
- 2 days of training
- Training manual
- A free Ubiquiti T Shirt (if you pass the exam)
- Ubiquiti Certificate (if you pass the exam)
- The exam - optional (included in cost)
RF Theory
- Frequency vs. Propagation
- Unlicensed Bands
- OFDM Spectral Masks
- Licensed Frequencies
- Decibels in RF Systems
- Free Space Path Loss
- Line of Sight & Fresnel Zones
- Link Power Budgets
- Fade Margin
Radio Operation
- Standard RF Circuit
- Carrier Signals
- Radio Sensitivity
- Radio Selectivity
- Signal, Noise & Interference
- Chains, Data Rates & MIMO
- Thermal Noise
- Channel Flexing
- airPrism Technology
- Modulation, EVM & Data Rates
Antenna Theory
- What is Gain?
- Isotropic Radiators
- Antenna Function
- Gain, Efficiency & VSWR
- Gain, Surface Area & Directivity
- Polar Plots
- MIMO, Polarization & XPD
- Types of Antennas
- Antenna Alignment
- Downtilt, Lobes & Nulls
Ubiquiti Service Providers
- TDMA & airMAX Protocol
- 802.11, CSMA/CA & Indoor
- Problem of Hidden Node
- airMAX-AC, airOS-6 & -8
- Traffic Shaping & Burst
- Scalability vs. Performance
- Security & VLANs
- airFiber Technology & Protocols
- airOS Tools & Redudancy
- Bridged vs. Routed ISP
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